Though there finally seems to be a small light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, one thing that I’m sure is going to remain is a collective concentration on clean hands. From meticulous hand washing to extensive hand sanitizer use, the realization that clean hands equal a reduced risk of germs is one that has permeated our society. As a long-time germaphobe and scrupulous hand washer and sanitizer, I’m thrilled about this movement. I’m less thrilled about the dry, chapped, painful hands that are the results of this hyper-focus on hand cleanliness. I’ve long struggled with dry skin on my hands, thanks to the aforementioned obsession. Courtesy of an assortment of creatively formulated and effective hand creams that tackle the issue of irritated skin, I’ve discovered it is possible to have the best of both worlds—clean hands and healthy, supple skin. Here are seven healing hand creams that I absolutely adore.