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Can Dogs Get SAD, Too?

Experts share signs and tips for helping your pup deal with SAD.
Julie Keller Callaghan


Photo: Shutterstock

Winter is usually a time of the year where people can experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). But can dogs get SAD, too? Yes! Here, the experts at Puppy Hero outlined all the potential SAD symptoms dog owners should look out for as well as provided useful tips on the best ways to help their pets.

Here are five signs your dog might have SAD: 

  1. Being lethargic or sleeping more than usual could be a potential sign your dog has SAD.
  2. Expressing little to no desire to play games they otherwise love, exercise, or go for a walk.
  3. Unusual behavior changes, such as misbehaving, enhanced irritability, or aggression.
  4. Changes in appetite—not wanting to eat or eating more than they usually do.
  5. Inability to sleep well, seeming constantly restless or sad.

If your pet is exhibiting any of these symptoms, here are some ways to help: 

  1. Spend time analyzing your dog’s behavior: Analyzing your dog’s behavior will help you get a better understanding of if they may be feeling sad. Sometimes a change in their usual routine or their environment could result in them feeling unwell for quite a while. Knowing what to expect throughout the day and feeling comfortable in their surroundings is very important for a dog.
  2. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise throughout the day: The winter months are colder and darker, and it might be tempting to skip an exercise or a walk outside, but much like humans, this can have a significant effect on your dog’s mood. Even a short walk can help improve your dog’s mood and your own.
  3. Ensure enough light (or ideally, sunshine) exposure: As with humans, the lack of light during the winter can cause lower mood levels, so it is very important for your dog to get as much light exposure as possible. Whenever possible, take your dog outside for a walk or try out tactics such as moving their bed closer to a window, or incorporate more artificial lighting.
  4. Interact with your dog as much as you can: Even when you’re inside, make sure to spend time playing or training your dog. Try to come up with new games that require you to interact with your dog, as this is a great way to get your pet excited and boost their mood, and yours, too.

“Always seek veterinary advice first for any possible diagnoses,” says Liz Clifton, a rescue dog rehabilitator. “When you speak to them make sure that you share your observations of your animals’ change in behavior. Support your dog(s) by offering them a variety of ways to help them naturally relax, release their built-up emotions or tension, and lower their base stress levels. Dogs instinctively release stress through chewing, sniffing, licking, sleeping, gentle shake offs, other movements, digging, and yawning. Make sure that you introduce any new activities and items slowly when they are relaxed. This will avoid them associating new unknown items with fearful triggers that would instead add to any stress rather than releasing it.”

Here are some great activities to offer them:

  1. Snuffle mat: You can purchase these or make one yourself with a pet safe rubber mat and pet safe material strips. You can scatter healthy treats that your dog can sniff out.
  2. Digging box appropriate to their size: This could be a pet-safe cardboard box filled with pet-safe shredded bedding that you can hide some healthy treats, chews, or toys in.
  3. Enjoy relaxing music, meditations, or animal Reiki: Do it together to help you relax, calm, release any stresses, and rebalance your emotions together.
About The Author

Julie is the co-founder of Well Defined and a longtime influencer and advocate in the wellness world. Along with her work at Well Defined, she is an executive recruiter and marketing specialist for Hutchinson Consulting. She is also a consultant and content strategist for numerous wellness brands. She is the former editor-in-chief and publisher of American Spa and was named a 2019 Folio Top Woman in Media in the Industry Trailblazers category and a 2018 winner of ISPA’s Innovate Award. She is also a seasoned journalist, specializing in spa, travel, health, fitness, wellness, sustainability, and beauty. She has been published in Departures,, E! Online,, Insider’s Guide to Spas, Luxury Travel Advisor, Marin Magazine, Ocean Home, Smart Meetings, Spa Asia, and Travel Agent.