Megan Flynn, M.D., founding manager and lead instructor at Rise Nation, a fitness studio in downtown Chicago, graduated from the University of Notre Dame where she participated on the track team before attending Georgetown University School of Medicine. She then
completed her General Surgery Internship at Columbia University followed by an Orthopedic Surgery Residency at Cleveland Clinic. Following her residency, she elected to pursue fellowship-level training in Sports Orthopedic Surgery at the world-renowned American Sports Medicine Institute and now practices sports orthopedic surgery in the suburbs of Chicago while also managing Rise Nation Chicago. Here, she shares how movement is key to maintaining health and wellbeing.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness is incredibly multifaceted and admittedly somewhat elusive for me. The concept of wellness to me means being and feeling wholly my best in all areas of my life—physical, emotional, professional, and relational.
What are your favorite things to do to maintain your personal wellbeing?
Moving my body in efficient, fun, and low-impact ways is my favorite wellbeing maintenance trick. I grew up an energetic kid who loved playing sports, so throwing in some competition helps, as well!
Is there a specific fitness activity that you love and why?
Rise Nation choreographed climbing. Now, I’m clearly biased having just recently opened the Chicago location, but I have not found a more efficient, safe, full-body, 30-minute, community-driven exercise in all my time as a fitness enthusiast and orthopedic surgeon. There is no match for the energy of a room full of motivated people working, dancing, singing, and sweating along to heart-pumping music with incredible lighting.
What is your favorite healthy food, and do you have a favorite way of preparing it?
Truthfully, I love most healthful, whole foods. One of my favorite routines is having Overnight Oats for breakfast. I received the recipe from Kylene Bogden, a registered dietician who specializes in functional nutrition and works with the Cleveland Cavaliers among other athletes. The recipe can be found here.
What is your favorite healthy beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), and do you have any insider tips for preparing it?
My favorite healthy beverage is water. My favorite less-healthy beverage is a spicy margarita, but that’s a different story!
What is your greatest wellness achievement?
This is a tough one, because I am constantly trying to improve, but so far, I would say my greatest wellness achievement is coming up with a morning routine and sticking with it.
What person in wellness do you most admire and why?
Kelita Hollins. Kelita is a mother of two boys, and her youngest has been diagnosed with autism. She is the master instructor and programmer at Train Moment in Chicago, a wonderful mother, and an incredible force.
What is the best piece of wellness advice you have ever received and from whom?
Everyone’s journey is different, so comparing ourselves is useless.
What do you think is the most exciting wellness innovation you have recently discovered?
Stretching and drinking water. It took me entirely too long to get on board with what we learned in elementary school!
What is your idea of balanced healthy happiness?
What do you think is the most overused word or words in wellness?
It’s unpopular opinion, but moderation is one of the most overused words in wellness. Yes, moderation is a big key to wellness, but it also can occasionally blunt experiences.
Do you have a secret health or wellness tip you would like to share?
Physical activity and working out does not have to be boring or take an hour to get the results you need. Finding efficient movements will transform your routine.
What is your favorite place for a healthy vacation or escape?
Unfortunately, I don’t really have one. I haven’t taken an actual vacation since my fourth year of medical school in 2013. Crazy, right?
What is your go-to for de-stressing?
Movement is my de-stressor. Going for a long walk, run, climb, or HIIT weights sesh generally helps me recalibrate, take a deep breath, foster gratitude, and see the big picture.
What aspect of your wellbeing do you struggle with the most, or would most like to improve?
Sleep, hands down. This has been an issue for me at least since college. Any and all tips are welcome!
What wellness-related books or authors do you recommend, and why?
I’m not sure if she would classify herself as a wellness-related author, but Brene Brown’s books are transformative for me. The way she normalizes a multitude of topics and makes them accessible and sensible is truly awe-inspiring and just plain inspiring.
How do you celebrate small victories?
I take a deep breath and am grateful for the hurdles and opportunities that brought me through the victory.
What brings you joy?
Genuine connection.