COVID-19 has had an immeasurable impact on the world, but perhaps one of the most significant changes is in the way people work. According to a recent report from Statista, before the pandemic, 17 percent of U.S. employees worked from home five days or more per week, a share that increased to 44 percent during the pandemic. While some employees are returning to the office, many companies have made remote work a permanent part of the business. This means that workers who may have previously needed to be located in close proximity to their workplace can now work from wherever. For some, dropping commuting time from their daily routines has allowed them to make more time for health and wellness. For others, working from home has resulted in them working more hours and not having nearly enough time for wellbeing. Either way, this trend has presented a unique opportunity for wellness-focused resorts and destination spas, and several are offering new experiences that address the needs of both types of workers and allow guests to enjoy extended stays that involve work, healthy habits, and more.
Here are some three game-changing work and wellness sabbaticals that help workers make meaningful change while staying connected.