Inspired by her own personal skincare journey, Shvona Lavette Chung, an actress, singer, and entrepreneur, founded Lautir Beauty. As a woman of color with sensitive skin, she struggled to find skincare products with clean ingredients. Driven by her passion for wellness, Chung believes in the importance of giving gentle, loving care to the skin, the body’s largest organ and a reflection of overall wellness. After years of experimentation, she successfully healed her skin. During this time, she discovered that many brands claiming to be clean actually weren’t, and were using synthetics, fillers, heavy metals, and other skin irritants. Lautir was created to stand out as a brand with completely clean ingredients. Proudly WOC-owned, gender-neutral, and safe for all skin tones, Lautir was born from Chung’s desire to create a line of truly clean and inclusive skincare. Here, she shares her how she maintains her wellbeing.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness is self-care on a daily basis, making sure you are fully nourished, mind, body and soul.
What are your favorite things to do to maintain your personal wellbeing?
To maintain wellbeing, I love to meditate. It’s a daily practice for me. I also enjoy a good workout daily. It helps me start off my day focused.
Is there a specific fitness activity that you love and why?
I love high-intensity interval training. I see the most results when I am engaged in fast-paced short workouts. I personally love Colombian Mafia Fit. Maria Leguizamon, the founder and trainer, holds me accountable. The results are amazing, and I’m so much stronger.
What is your favorite healthy food, and do you have a favorite way of preparing it?
My favorite healthy food is a simple quinoa, petite French peas, spinach, garbanzo beans, and chili oil. I love cooking the petite green peas with the quinoa. And I cook the chickpeas in a separate pan until they’re lightly browned.
What is your favorite healthy beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), and do you have any insider tips for preparing it?
I love a great green juice with ginger. I usually buy one from Erewhon. I also like Katy Perry’s De Soi.
What is your greatest wellness achievement?
Recalibrating my life with meditation. 2024 was such a transformative year for me. I did a deep dive into wellness, self-improvement, affirmations, etc., and I am stronger and ready for 2025 because of it.
What person in wellness do you most admire and why?
Therapist Nedra Tawaab. I’ve learned so much from her books and really enjoy her approach. Being a better human being throughout all of our trauma and generational trauma is the end goal. Having boundaries with friends and family and taking time for yourself is underrated.
What is the best piece of wellness advice you have ever received and from whom?
My laser technician said to me a month ago: “If you have a lot to get to, and you want to go to bed early, but you have everything hanging over your head, regardless of how much you get to, there will always be things that you can’t tackle in that moment, so indulge in self-care. Get rest, and tackle the new day ready and regenerated.”
What do you think is the most exciting wellness innovation you have recently discovered?
Red light therapy. I discovered it a few years ago, and it is truly amazing and transformative. I start my day every morning with red light therapy. Any pains or ailments I have, I turn to red light therapy, and I’m truly transformed.
Do you have a secret health or wellness tip you would like to share?
The power of face tools. I am 47 years old, and I have never had anything done to my face other than a simple facial. I’ve never had Botox or filler. I do have amazing genes. I’m not going to lie there. I have about five tools in my daily arsenal. It’s a religious daily practice of mine. It’s a joke with my girlfriends that nothing gets done until I roll my face. Face tools sculpt, depuff, and help drain my sinuses. I even have backups when I travel just in case anything breaks.
What is your favorite place for a healthy vacation or escape?
I have three for three different reasons. New York City, because it’s where I was born and raised, helps me get on track mentally to where I need to be. Italy is the destination that soothes my soul, my stomach, and my love of art and architecture. Barbados is very special because it’s where my ancestors hail from, and my daughter and I love ocean therapy and yummy food.
Is there a particular wellness company or brand that truly impresses you with their efforts and why?
Indie Lee. Her facial oils are necessary in my daily regimen. Her line is clean, effective, and anti-aging. She engages with her customer base as well, which I truly appreciate.
What is your go-to for de-stressing?
I get a professional massage daily from the amazing De’Leon. He comes to my home and helps me clear out all the tension I hold in my upper shoulders. We store so much in our bodies. We need to release it. That’s also my definition of wellness—releasing. Any time we are releasing, we’re in a better state.
What aspect of your wellbeing do you struggle with the most, or would most like to improve?
Negative self-talk if I’m being honest. Prayer and meditation have helped me tremendously with negative self-talk. When I’m using my face tools, the newest thing I adopted late last year, I simultaneously listen to affirmations.
What brings you joy?
My daughter brings me joy. She’s so talented, sweet, smart, and stunningly beautiful. She keeps me on my toes, and that’s an understatement. I learn so much from her, and we laugh a lot.