Odds are, you have heard of IV therapy in some form. And by now, you know it isn’t just for hangovers and is more than just a wellness fad. Since opening Hydrate IV Bar in 2016, we’ve found that the majority of our clients use IV therapy for general wellness, though we have seen the occasional need for a hangover cure. Most of our members who come on a regular basis are coming to boost immunity and prevent illness or to increase or maintain athletic performance. People who regularly use IV therapy will tell you it can do everything from reducing stress and increasing energy to improving overall health. While there isn’t enough scientific evidence to back up such claims, IV therapy is commonly used in the medical community to deliver necessary fluids and medications.
In fact, the benefits of IV therapy are many and include:
- Increasing nutrient absorption directly into the bloodstream
- Boosting immunity
- Increasing energy and productivity
- Improving overall physical and mental health
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IV therapy is basically an expedited way to deliver fluids, vitamins, and nutrients to the body. They’re infused into the blood stream, which leads to more rapid absorption. IVs can be customized to address athletic performance, skin aging, jet-lag, and fatigue, as well as to boost immunity and reduce the duration of a cold or flu. Our team consistently promotes the awareness and necessity of health and wellness for individuals, educates and encourages people to take control of their own health, and further advocates for preventative wellness. IV therapy can be beneficial for everyone, including:
Active, Healthy Adults
Use IV therapy to invest in their immediate needs and long-term vitality. It is ideal for helping them train for a race, recover from a hike, or supplement an already healthy, active lifestyle.
Use IV therapy to maintain a healthy immune system and energy on the move. These clients are preparing for or recovering from a trip, are year-round business travelers, or are tourists adjusting to altitude.
Chronic Illness Champions
Under a doctor’s supervision, IV therapy can be used as a supplemental wellness treatment for ongoing illness or to enhance healthcare practices. Once cleared by a physician to ensure there are no contraindications, the therapy can be ideal for clients with ongoing health problems, including autoimmune disorders, adrenal fatigue, gastrointestinal disruptions, and more.
Skincare Conscious
Use IV therapy for aesthetic benefits of being hydrated and healthy and as a supplement to skincare and wellness routines.
Weekend Warriors
Use IV therapy to recover quickly and bounce back after pushing themselves too hard.
Use IV therapy before or after athletic performances or events to assist in hydration, muscle recovery, and improved endurance.
Illness Adverse
Busy parents, professionals, or visitors fighting an oncoming illness or recovering from a lingering one can use IV therapy to feel better fast, boost immunity, or help prevent illness.
Do you fit into any of those categories? Chances are, IV therapy could be a good fit for you. Just be sure to get the OK from your doctor and do you research to find a reputable practitioner, and you can be well on your way to your favorite new wellness therapy.