Aaron is head of physiology for Aviv Clinics, where he is responsible for managing a team of physiologists, physical therapists, dietitians, and stress technicians. Aviv Clinics is the first hyperbaric medical treatment center of its kind in North America dedicated to improving brain performance. Aaron oversees the cardiopulmonary exercise tests and CPET in the clinic and is responsible for analyzing each test. His clinical experience is focused on health and wellness, strength and conditioning, and nutrition within both the non-profits and private sectors, including Mercy Hospital and MusclePharm, respectively.
Throughout the past decade Aaron’s scientific research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed medical journals such as GeroScience; Journal of Dietary Supplements; International Society of Sports Nutrition; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; and Nutrition Research.
His previous speaking engagements include The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) National Conference, where he presented published studies on psychophysiological fatigue.