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Erin Thorp
Erin Thorp

Erin Thorp (she/her) is an empathic keynote speaker, writer, and coach for leaders who struggle with conflict, communication, and performance during high-stress times. She supports leaders in navigating difficult conversations, building powerful teams, and communicating with empathy so they can lead confidently.

Having spent 20 years in the masculine-dominated engineering and construction industries leading teams and delivering projects, Erin noticed that her colleagues were highly skilled and cared deeply about their work, but most were incapable of fully holding their own emotion and therefore unable to hold the emotions of others.

After being told time and time again she was “too emotional” and to “pull herself together,” she realized there was a big gap in what was being taught to technical leaders. She knew that skills often categorized as “soft”—connection, empathy, vulnerability—are actually the most difficult to learn but are also key to creating leaders who make an impact in their personal lives, their companies, and the world. At the beginning of the pandemic, Erin did even more-self reflecting and observed the way leaders were treating their employees. Whether they were large corporations, or entrepreneurs, she noticed the same patterns, and ultimately decided to take the matter into her own hands. Erin is now running her leadership business full-time. Instagram: @elthorp

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