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Marc Pollick
Marc Pollick

Marc Pollick, founder and CEO of The Giving Back Fund, was an undergraduate and graduate student at The University of Chicago before pursuing a Ph.D. in Holocaust Studies at Boston University. It was there he met Elie Wiesel, with whom he worked for the next 25 years. Pollick founded the Miami Holocaust Center when he was just 28 years old, and taught Holocaust Studies at the University of Miami. Pollick then created a foundation in Wiesel’s name when Wiesel, who considered Marc one of his protéges, won the Nobel Peace Prize. Pollick founded The Giving Back Fund (GBF) in 1997 as a national community foundation serving non-profit initiatives for professional athletes, entertainers, and others. Over 27 years, GBF has created and sustained more than 950 foundations and facilitated more than $1 billion in charitable grants.  

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